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').appendTo('body'); imageLightboxArrowsOn(photonicImageLightbox, lightbox_selector); imageLightboxCloseButtonOn(photonicImageLightbox); }, onEnd: function() { imageLightboxCaptionOff(); $('#imagelightbox-overlay').remove(); $('#imagelightbox-loading').remove(); imageLightboxArrowsOff(); imageLightboxCloseButtonOff(); photonicUnsetHash(); } }); photonicLightboxList[lightbox_selector] = photonicImageLightbox; }); }; photonicInitializeImageLightbox('.photonic-standard-layout,.photonic-random-layout,.photonic-masonry-layout,.photonic-mosaic-layout'); photonicInitializeImageLightbox('a[rel="photonic-imagelightbox"]'); } if (Photonic_JS.slideshow_library == 'lightcase') { window.photonicInitializeLightcase = function(selector) { $(selector).each(function() { var current = this; var lightbox_selector; var rel = $(current).find('a.launch-gallery-lightcase'); if (rel.length > 0) { rel = $(rel[0]).data('rel'); } lightbox_selector = selector.indexOf('data-rel') > -1 ? selector : 'a[data-rel="' + rel + '"]'; $(lightbox_selector).lightcase({ transition: 'scrollHorizontal', type: 'image', showSequenceInfo: false, slideshow: Photonic_JS.slideshow_mode, timeout: Photonic_JS.slideshow_interval, attrPrefix: '', caption: ' ', swipe: true, onFinish: { setHash: function() { photonicSetHash(this); var shareable = { 'url': location.href, 'title': photonicHtmlDecode($(this).data('title')), 'image': $(this).attr('href') }; photonicAddSocial('#lightcase-caption', shareable); } }, onClose: { unsetHash: photonicUnsetHash() } }); }); }; photonicInitializeLightcase('.photonic-standard-layout,.photonic-masonry-layout,.photonic-mosaic-layout'); photonicInitializeLightcase('a[data-rel="photonic-lightcase"]'); } if (Photonic_JS.slideshow_library == 'lightgallery') { window.photonicInitializeLightgallery = function(selector, selfSelect) { $(selector).each(function() { var current = $(this); var thumbs = current.find('a.launch-gallery-lightgallery'); var rel = ''; if (thumbs.length > 0) { rel = $(thumbs[0]).attr('rel'); } if (rel != '' && photonicLightboxList[rel] != undefined) { photonicLightboxList[rel].data('lightGallery').destroy(true); } var $lightbox = current.lightGallery({ selector: (selfSelect == undefined || !selfSelect) ? 'a[rel="' + rel + '"]' : 'this', counter: selfSelect == undefined || !selfSelect, pause: Photonic_JS.slideshow_interval, getCaptionFromTitleOrAlt: false }); $lightbox.on('onAfterSlide.lg', function(event, prevIndex, index) { var thumbs = $(this).find('a.launch-gallery-lightgallery'); photonicSetHash(thumbs[index]); var shareable = { 'url': location.href, 'title': photonicHtmlDecode($(thumbs[index]).data('title')), 'image': $(thumbs[index]).attr('href') }; photonicAddSocial('.lg-toolbar', shareable); }); $lightbox.on('onCloseAfter.lg', function() { photonicUnsetHash(); }); if (rel != '') { photonicLightboxList[rel] = $lightbox; } }); }; photonicInitializeLightgallery('.photonic-standard-layout,.photonic-masonry-layout,.photonic-mosaic-layout'); photonicInitializeLightgallery('a[rel="photonic-lightgallery"]', true); } $(document).on('click', '.photonic-flickr-set-thumb', function() { photonicDisplayPopup('flickr', 'set', {"panel_id": this.id, "popup": $(this).data('photonicPopup') }); return false; }); $(document).on('click', '.photonic-flickr-gallery-thumb', function() { photonicDisplayPopup('flickr', 'gallery', {"panel_id": this.id, "popup": $(this).data('photonicPopup') }); return false; }); $(document).on('click', '.photonic-picasa-album-thumb', function(e) { photonicDisplayPopup('picasa', 'album', {"panel_id": this.id, "popup": $(this).data('photonicPopup'), "thumb_size": $('#' + this.id).data('photonicThumbSize') }); return false; }); $(document).on('click', 'a.photonic-smug-album-thumb', function(e) { photonicDisplayPopup('smug', 'album', {"panel_id": this.id, "popup": $(this).data('photonicPopup') }); return false; }); $(document).on('click', 'a.photonic-500px-gallery-thumb', function(e) { photonicDisplayPopup('500px', 'gallery', {"panel_id": this.id, "popup": $(this).data('photonicPopup')}); return false; }); $(document).on('click', '.photonic-zenfolio-set-thumb', function(e) { photonicDisplayPopup('zenfolio', 'set', {"panel_id": this.id, "popup": $(this).data('photonicPopup'), "thumb_size": $('#' + this.id).data('photonicThumbSize')}); return false; }); $('.photonic-password-prompter').dialog({ autoOpen: false, modal: true, width: 400, height: 225, dialogClass: 'photonic-jq', closeText: '×' }); $('.photonic-password-submit a').on('click', function() { var album_id = $(this).parent().parent().attr('id'); var components = album_id.split('-'); var provider = components[1]; var singular_type = components[2]; var album_key = components.slice(4).join('-'); var password = $(this).parent().parent().find('input[name="photonic-' + provider + '-password"]'); password = password[0].value; var thumb_id = 'photonic-' + provider + '-' + singular_type + '-thumb-' + album_key; var thumb = $('#' + thumb_id); $('#photonic-' + provider + '-' + singular_type + '-prompter-' + album_key).dialog('close'); photonicShowLoading(); var args; if (provider == 'smug') { args = {'panel_id': thumb_id, 'password': password, "popup": thumb.data('photonicPopup')}; } else if (provider == 'zenfolio') { args = {'panel_id': thumb_id, 'thumb_size': thumb.data('photonicThumbSize'), 'password': password, 'realm_id': thumb.data('photonicRealm'), "popup": thumb.data('photonicPopup')}; } else if (provider == 'picasa') { args = $('#' + album_id).data('photonicPrompt') == 'password' ? {'panel_id': thumb_id, 'authkey': password, "popup": thumb.data('photonicPopup') } : {'panel_id': thumb_id, 'shortlink': password, "popup": thumb.data('photonicPopup') }; } photonicProcessRequest(provider, singular_type, album_key, args); return false; }); $('.photonic-flickr-stream a, a.photonic-flickr-set-thumb, a.photonic-flickr-gallery-thumb, .photonic-picasa-stream a, .photonic-500px-stream a, .photonic-smug-stream a, .photonic-instagram-stream a, .photonic-zenfolio-stream a, a.photonic-zenfolio-set-thumb').each(function() { if (!($(this).parent().hasClass('photonic-header-title'))) { var title = $(this).attr('title'); $(this).attr('title', photonicHtmlDecode(title)); } }); $('a.photonic-level-3-expand').on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var current = $(this); var header = current.parent().parent().parent(); if (current.hasClass('photonic-level-3-expand-plus')) { photonicProcessL3Request(current, header, {'view': 'collections', 'node': current.data('photonicLevel-3'), 'layout': current.data('photonicLayout')}); } else if (current.hasClass('photonic-level-3-expand-up')) { header.next('.photonic-stream').slideUp(); current.removeClass('photonic-level-3-expand-up').addClass('photonic-level-3-expand-down').attr('title', Photonic_JS.maximize_panel == undefined ? 'Show' : Photonic_JS.maximize_panel); } else if (current.hasClass('photonic-level-3-expand-down')) { header.next('.photonic-stream').slideDown(); current.removeClass('photonic-level-3-expand-down').addClass('photonic-level-3-expand-up').attr('title', Photonic_JS.minimize_panel == undefined ? 'Hide' : Photonic_JS.minimize_panel); } }); window.photonicChangeHash = function() { // var node = lastDeep != undefined ? lastDeep : (deep.length > 1 ? deep : location.hash); var node = deep; if (node != null) { if (node.length > 1) { if (window.location.hash && node.indexOf('#access_token=') !== -1) { photonicUnsetHash(); } else { node = node.substr(1); var allMatches = $('[data-photonic-deep="' + node + '"]'); if (allMatches.length > 0) { var thumbToClick = allMatches[0]; $(thumbToClick).click(); photonicSetHash(node); } } } } }; $(window).on('load', photonicChangeHash); $(window).on('hashchange', photonicChangeHash); $('.photonic-standard-layout.title-display-below .photonic-pad-photos').each(function(i, item) { var img = $(item).find('img'); img = img[0]; var title = $(item).find('.photonic-title-info'); title.css({"width": img.width }); }); $(document).tooltip({ items: '.title-display-tooltip a, .photonic-slideshow.title-display-tooltip img', track: true, show: false, hide: false }); $(document).on('mouseenter', '.title-display-hover-slideup-show a, .photonic-slideshow.title-display-hover-slideup-show li', function(e) { var title = $(this).find('.photonic-title'); title.slideDown(); $(this).data('photonic-title', $(this).attr('title')); $(this).attr('title', ''); }); $(document).on('mouseleave', '.title-display-hover-slideup-show a, .photonic-slideshow.title-display-hover-slideup-show li', function(e) { var title = $(this).find('.photonic-title'); title.slideUp(); $(this).data('photonic-title', $(this).attr('title')); $(this).attr('title', $(this).data('photonic-title')); }); $('.auth-button').not('.auth-button-picasa, .auth-button-instagram').click(function(){ var provider = ''; if ($(this).hasClass('auth-button-flickr')) { provider = 'flickr'; } else if ($(this).hasClass('auth-button-500px')) { provider = '500px'; } else if ($(this).hasClass('auth-button-smug')) { provider = 'smug'; } var callbackId = $(this).attr('rel'); $.post(Photonic_JS.ajaxurl, "action=photonic_authenticate&provider=" + provider + '&callback_id=' + callbackId, function(data) { if (provider == 'flickr') { window.location.replace(data); } else if (provider == '500px') { window.location.replace(data); } else if (provider == 'smug') { window.open(data); } }); return false; }); $('.photonic-login-box-flickr:not(:first)').remove(); $('.photonic-login-box-flickr').attr({id: 'photonic-login-box-flickr'}); $('.photonic-login-box-picasa:not(:first)').remove(); $('.photonic-login-box-picasa').attr({id: 'photonic-login-box-picasa'}); $('.photonic-login-box-500px:not(:first)').remove(); $('.photonic-login-box-500px').attr({id: 'photonic-login-box-500px'}); $('.photonic-login-box-smug:not(:first)').remove(); $('.photonic-login-box-smug').attr({id: 'photonic-login-box-smug'}); $('.photonic-login-box-zenfolio:not(:first)').remove(); $('.photonic-login-box-zenfolio').attr({id: 'photonic-login-box-zenfolio'}); $('.photonic-login-box-instagram:not(:first)').remove(); $('.photonic-login-box-instagram').attr({id: 'photonic-login-box-instagram'}); $('a.photonic-more-button.photonic-more-dynamic').on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var clicked = $(this); var container = clicked.prev(); var query = container.data('photonicStreamQuery'); var provider = container.data('photonicStreamProvider'); photonicShowLoading(); $.post(Photonic_JS.ajaxurl, { 'action': 'photonic_load_more', 'provider': provider, 'query': query }, function(data) { var ret = $(data); var images = ret.find('.photonic-level-1'); var one_existing = container.find('a.photonic-launch-gallery')[0]; images.children().attr('rel', $(one_existing).attr('rel')); images.appendTo(container); var lightbox; if (Photonic_JS.slideshow_library == 'imagelightbox') { lightbox = photonicLightboxList['a[rel="' + $(one_existing).attr('rel') + '"]']; lightbox.addToImageLightbox(images.find('a')); } else if (Photonic_JS.slideshow_library == 'lightcase') { photonicInitializeLightcase('.photonic-standard-layout,.photonic-masonry-layout,.photonic-mosaic-layout'); } else if (Photonic_JS.slideshow_library == 'lightgallery') { photonicInitializeLightgallery(container); } else if (Photonic_JS.slideshow_library == 'strip') { images.children().attr('data-strip-group', $(one_existing).attr('rel')); } photonicJustifiedGridLayout(true); // true because we don't want to hide the spinner images.waitForImages(function() { var new_query = ret.find('.photonic-random-layout,.photonic-standard-layout,.photonic-masonry-layout,.photonic-mosaic-layout').data('photonicStreamQuery'); container.data('photonicStreamQuery', new_query); container.find('.photonic-level-1').css({'display': 'inline-block' }); // If this is a masonry layout in <= IE9, we need to trigger the Masonry function for appended images if (container.hasClass('photonic-masonry-layout') && isOldIE && $.isFunction($.fn.masonry)) { container.masonry('appended', images); } var more_button = ret.find('.photonic-more-button'); if (more_button.length == 0) { clicked.fadeOut().remove(); } if (container.hasClass('photonic-mosaic-layout')) { photonicMosaicLayout(true); } else if (container.hasClass('photonic-masonry-layout')) { images.find('img').fadeIn().css({ "display": "block" }); } $('.photonic-loading').hide(); }); }); }); /** * Displays all photos in a popup. Invoked when the popup data is being fetched for the first time for display in a popup. * Must be used by all providers for displaying photos in a popup. * * @param data The contents of the popup * @param provider The data provider: flickr | picasa | smug | zenfolio * @param popup The type of popup object: set | gallery | album * @param panelId The trailing section of the thumbnail's id */ window.photonicDisplayPopupContent = function(data, provider, popup, panelId) { var unsafePanelId = panelId, // KEEP THIS FOR AJAX RESPONSE SELECTOR safePanelId = panelId.replace('.', '\\.'); // FOR EXISTING ELEMENTS WHCICH NEED SANITIZED PANELID //panelId = panelId.replace('.', ''); // REMOVE '.' FROM PANELID WHENEVER POSSIBLE var div = $(data); var grid = div.find('.slideshow-grid-panel'); $(grid).waitForImages(function() { $(div).appendTo($('#photonic-' + provider + '-' + popup + '-' + safePanelId)).show(); div.photonicModal({ modalTarget: 'photonic-' + provider + '-panel-' + safePanelId, color: '#000', width: Photonic_JS.gallery_panel_width + '%', closeFromRight: ((100 - Photonic_JS.gallery_panel_width) / 2) + '%' }); if (Photonic_JS.slideshow_library == 'imagelightbox') { photonicInitializeImageLightbox('#' + div.attr('id')); } else if (Photonic_JS.slideshow_library == 'lightcase') { photonicInitializeLightcase('#' + div.attr('id')); } else if (Photonic_JS.slideshow_library == 'lightgallery') { photonicInitializeLightgallery('#' + div.attr('id')); } $('.photonic-loading').hide(); }); /* if (deep != '') { var deepThumbs = div.find('[data-photonic-deep="'+ deep.substr(1) + '"]'); if (deepThumbs.length > 0) { // deepThumbs[0].click(); // Triggering a click is opening the image in a different window :-( } } */ }; window.photonicRedisplayPopupContents = function(provider, panelId, panel, args) { if ('show' == args['popup']) { $('.photonic-loading').hide(); $(panel).photonicModal({ modalTarget: 'photonic-' + provider + '-panel-' + panelId, color: '#000', width: Photonic_JS.gallery_panel_width + '%', closeFromRight: ((100 - Photonic_JS.gallery_panel_width) / 2) + '%' }); } else { photonicBypassPopup($(panel)); } }; window.photonicPPSwipe = function() { $('.pp_hoverContainer').remove(); $("#pp_full_res") .on('swipeleft', function() { $.prettyPhoto.changePage('next'); }) .on('swiperight', function() { $.prettyPhoto.changePage('previous'); }); }; window.photonicBypassPopup = function(data) { $('.photonic-loading').hide(); var panel = $(data); panel.hide().appendTo($('body')); if (Photonic_JS.slideshow_library == 'imagelightbox') { photonicInitializeImageLightbox('#' + panel.attr('id')); } else if (Photonic_JS.slideshow_library == 'lightcase') { photonicInitializeLightcase('#' + panel.attr('id')); } else if (Photonic_JS.slideshow_library == 'lightgallery') { photonicInitializeLightgallery('#' + panel.attr('id')); } var thumbs = $(panel).find('.photonic-launch-gallery'); if (thumbs.length > 0) { deep = '#' + $(thumbs[0]).data('photonicDeep'); $(thumbs[0]).click(); } }; window.photonicJustifiedGridLayout = function(resized, selector) { if (selector == null || selector == undefined) { selector = '.photonic-random-layout'; } if (!resized && $(selector).length > 0) { photonicShowLoading(); } $(selector).each(function(idx, obj) { var viewportWidth = Math.floor($(this)[0].getBoundingClientRect().width); var idealHeight = Math.max(parseInt(window.innerHeight / 4), Photonic_JS.tile_min_height); var gap = Photonic_JS.tile_spacing * 2; $(this).waitForImages(function() { var container = this; var photos = []; var images = $(container).find('img'); $(images).each(function() { if ($(this).parents('.photonic-panel').length > 0) { return; } var image = $(this)[0]; var a = $(this.parentNode); var a_clone = a.clone(true);// Clone doesn't get the "data" if the parameter is unspecified or false var a_title = a_clone.data('title'); a_clone.empty(); var title_info = a.children('.photonic-title-info'); var div = a.parent(); var siblings = div.children('div'); if (!(image.naturalHeight == 0 || image.naturalHeight == undefined || image.naturalWidth == undefined)) { photos.push({src: image.src, aspect_ratio: (image.naturalWidth) / (image.naturalHeight), anchor: a_clone[0].outerHTML, a_title: a_title == undefined ? a_clone.attr('title') : a_title, div_id: div.attr('id'), siblings: siblings, title_info: title_info}); } }); var summedWidth = photos.reduce((function(sum, p) { return sum += p.aspect_ratio * idealHeight + gap; }), 0); var rows = Math.max(Math.round(summedWidth / viewportWidth), 1); // At least 1 row should be shown var weights = photos.map(function(p) { return Math.round(p.aspect_ratio * 100); }); var partition = photonicPart(weights, rows); var index = 0; $(container).empty(); $(partition).each(function() { var summedRatios; var rowBuffer = []; $(this).each(function() { rowBuffer.push(photos[index]); index++; }); summedRatios = rowBuffer.reduce((function(sum, p) { return sum += p.aspect_ratio; }), 0); $(rowBuffer).each(function() { var elem = document.createElement("div"); elem.style.width = parseInt(viewportWidth / summedRatios * this.aspect_ratio)+"px"; elem.style.height = parseInt(viewportWidth / summedRatios)+"px"; elem.setAttribute("class", "photonic-tiled-photo"); if (this.div_id != undefined) { elem.id = this.div_id; } var anchor = $(this.anchor); anchor.attr('title', photonicHtmlDecode(this.a_title)); anchor.data('title', this.a_title); $(elem).append(anchor); var img = document.createElement('img'); img.setAttribute('src', this.src); img.setAttribute('alt', this.alt); $(anchor).append(img); $(anchor).append(this.title_info); // Re-add panels that may have been created earlier, to avoid reloading them. $(elem).append(this.siblings); $(container).append(elem); }); }); if (!resized) { $('.photonic-loading').hide(); } if (Photonic_JS.slideshow_library == 'lightcase') { photonicInitializeLightcase('.photonic-random-layout'); } else if (Photonic_JS.slideshow_library == 'lightgallery') { photonicInitializeLightgallery(container); } }); }); }; window.photonicMasonryLayout = function(resized, selector) { if (isOldIE) return; if (selector == null || selector == undefined) { selector = '.photonic-masonry-layout'; } if (!resized && $(selector).length > 0) { photonicShowLoading(); } var minWidth = (isNaN(Photonic_JS.masonry_min_width) || parseInt(Photonic_JS.masonry_min_width) <= 0) ? 200 : Photonic_JS.masonry_min_width; minWidth = parseInt(minWidth); $(selector).each(function(idx, grid) { var $grid = $(grid); $grid.waitForImages(function() { var columns = $grid.attr('data-photonic-gallery-columns'); columns = (isNaN(parseInt(columns)) || parseInt(columns) <= 0) ? 3 : parseInt(columns); var viewportWidth = Math.floor($grid[0].getBoundingClientRect().width); var idealColumns = (viewportWidth / columns) > minWidth ? columns : Math.floor(viewportWidth / minWidth); $grid.css('column-count', idealColumns); $grid.find('img').fadeIn().css({"display": "block" }); if (!resized) { $('.photonic-loading').hide(); } }); }); }; window.photonicMosaicLayout = function(resized, selector) { if (selector == null || selector == undefined) { selector = '.photonic-mosaic-layout'; } if (!resized && $(selector).length > 0) { photonicShowLoading(); } function getDistribution(setSize, max, min) { var distribution = []; var processed = 0; while (processed < setSize) { if (setSize - processed <= 3 && processed > 0) { distribution.push(setSize - processed); processed += setSize - processed; } else { var current = Math.max(Math.floor(Math.random() * max + 1), min); current = Math.min(current, setSize - processed); distribution.push(current); processed += current; } } return distribution; } function arrayAlternate(array, remainder) { return array.filter(function(value, index) { return index % 2 == remainder; }); } function setUniformHeightsForRow(array) { // First, order the array by increasing height array.sort(function(a, b) { return a.height - b.height; }); array[0].new_height = array[0].height; array[0].new_width = array[0].width; for (var i = 1; i < array.length; i++) { array[i].new_height = array[0].height; array[i].new_width = array[i].new_height * array[i].aspect_ratio; } var new_width = array.reduce(function(sum, p) { return sum += p.new_width ; }, 0); return { elements: array, height: array[0].new_height, width: new_width, aspect_ratio: new_width / array[0].new_height }; } function finalizeTiledLayout(components, containers) { $(components).each(function(c, component) { var rowY = component.y; var otherRowHeight = 0; $(component.elements).each(function(e, element) { if (element.photo_position != undefined) { // Component is a single image var container = containers[element.photo_position]; container.css('width', (component.new_width)); container.css('height', (component.new_height)); container.css('top', (component.y)); container.css('left', (component.x)); } else { // Component is a clique (element is a row). Widths and Heights of cliques have been calculated. But the rows in cliques need to be recalculated element.new_width = component.new_width; if (otherRowHeight === 0) { element.new_height = element.new_width / element.aspect_ratio; otherRowHeight = element.new_height; } else { element.new_height = component.new_height - otherRowHeight; } element.x = component.x; element.y = rowY; rowY += element.new_height; var totalWidth = element.elements.reduce(function(sum, p) { return sum += p.new_width ; }, 0); var rowX = 0; $(element.elements).each(function(i, image) { image.new_width = element.new_width * image.new_width / totalWidth; image.new_height = element.new_height; //image.new_width / image.aspect_ratio; image.x = rowX; rowX += image.new_width; var container = containers[image.photo_position]; container.css('width', Math.floor(image.new_width)); container.css('height', Math.floor(image.new_height)); container.css('top', Math.floor(element.y)); container.css('left', Math.floor(element.x + image.x)); }); } }); }); } $(selector).each(function(idx, grid) { var $grid = $(grid); $grid.waitForImages(function() { var viewportWidth = Math.floor($grid[0].getBoundingClientRect().width); var triggerWidth = (isNaN(Photonic_JS.mosaic_trigger_width) || parseInt(Photonic_JS.mosaic_trigger_width) <= 0) ? 200 : parseInt(Photonic_JS.mosaic_trigger_width); var maxInRow = Math.floor(viewportWidth / triggerWidth); var minInRow = viewportWidth >= (triggerWidth * 2) ? 2 : 1; var photos = []; var divs = $grid.children(); var setSize = divs.length; if (setSize === 0) { return; } var containers = []; var images = $grid.find('img'); $(images).each(function(imgIdx) { if ($(this).parents('.photonic-panel').length > 0) { return; } var image = $(this)[0]; var a = $(this.parentNode); var div = a.parent(); div.attr('data-photonic-photo-index', imgIdx); containers[imgIdx] = div; if (!(image.naturalHeight == 0 || image.naturalHeight == undefined || image.naturalWidth == undefined)) { var aspectRatio = (image.naturalWidth) / (image.naturalHeight); photos.push({src: image.src, width: image.naturalWidth, height: image.naturalHeight, aspect_ratio: aspectRatio, photo_position: imgIdx}); } }); setSize = photos.length; var distribution = getDistribution(setSize, maxInRow, minInRow); // We got our random distribution. Let's divide the photos up according to the distribution. var groups = [], startIdx = 0; $(distribution).each(function(i, size) { groups.push(photos.slice(startIdx, startIdx + size)); startIdx += size; }); var groupY = 0; // We now have our groups of photos. We need to find the optimal layout for each group. $(groups).each(function(g, group) { // First, order the group by aspect ratio group.sort(function(a, b) { return a.aspect_ratio - b.aspect_ratio; }); // Next, pick a random layout var groupLayout; if (group.length == 1) { groupLayout = [1]; } else if (group.length == 2) { groupLayout = [1,1]; } /* else if (group.length == 3) { groupLayout = [1,1,1]; } */ else { groupLayout = getDistribution(group.length, group.length - 1, 1); } // Now, LAYOUT, BABY!!! var cliqueF = 0, cliqueL = group.length - 1; var cliques = [], indices = []; for (var i = 2; i <= maxInRow; i++) { var index = $.inArray(i, groupLayout); while (-1 < index && cliqueF < cliqueL) { // Ideal Layout: one landscape, one portrait. But we will take any 2 with contrasting aspect ratios var clique = []; var j = 0; while (j < i && cliqueF <= cliqueL) { clique.push(group[cliqueF++]); // One with a low aspect ratio j++; if (j < i && cliqueF <= cliqueL) { clique.push(group[cliqueL--]); // One with a high aspect ratio j++; } } // Clique is formed. Add it to the list of cliques. cliques.push(clique); indices.push(index); // Keep track of the position of the clique in the row index = $.inArray(i, groupLayout, index + 1); } } // The ones that are not in any clique (i.e. the ones in the middle) will be given their own columns in the row. var remainder = group.slice(cliqueF, cliqueL + 1); // Now let's layout the cliques individually. Each clique is its own column. var rowLayout = []; $(cliques).each(function(c, clique) { var toss = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2); // 0 --> Groups of smallest and largest, or 1 --> Alternating var oneRow, otherRow; if (toss === 0) { // Group the ones with the lowest aspect ratio together, and the ones with the highest aspect ratio together. // Lay one group at the top and the other at the bottom var wide = Math.max(Math.floor(Math.random() * (clique.length / 2 - 1)), 1); oneRow = clique.slice(0, wide); otherRow = clique.slice(wide); } else { // Group alternates together. // Lay one group at the top and the other at the bottom oneRow = arrayAlternate(clique, 0); otherRow = arrayAlternate(clique, 1); } // Make heights consistent within rows: oneRow = setUniformHeightsForRow(oneRow); otherRow = setUniformHeightsForRow(otherRow); // Now make widths consistent oneRow.new_width = Math.min(oneRow.width, otherRow.width); oneRow.new_height = oneRow.new_width / oneRow.aspect_ratio; otherRow.new_width = oneRow.new_width; otherRow.new_height = otherRow.new_width / otherRow.aspect_ratio; rowLayout.push({elements: [oneRow, otherRow], height: oneRow.new_height + otherRow.new_height, width: oneRow.new_width, aspect_ratio: oneRow.new_width / (oneRow.new_height + otherRow.new_height), element_position: indices[c]}); }); rowLayout.sort(function(a, b) { return a.element_position - b.element_position; }); var orderedRowLayout = []; for (var position = 0; position < groupLayout.length; position++) { var cliqueExists = $.inArray(position, indices) > -1; if (cliqueExists) { orderedRowLayout.push(rowLayout.shift()); } else { var rem = remainder.shift(); orderedRowLayout.push({ elements: [rem], height: rem.height, width: rem.width, aspect_ratio: rem.aspect_ratio }); } } // Main Row layout is fully constructed and ordered. Now we need to balance heights and widths of all cliques with the "remainder" var totalAspect = orderedRowLayout.reduce(function(sum, p) { return sum += p.aspect_ratio ; }, 0); var elementX = 0; $(orderedRowLayout).each(function(c, component) { component.new_width = component.aspect_ratio / totalAspect * viewportWidth; component.new_height = component.new_width / component.aspect_ratio; component.y = groupY; component.x = elementX; elementX += component.new_width; }); groupY += orderedRowLayout[0].new_height; finalizeTiledLayout(orderedRowLayout, containers); }); $grid.css('height', groupY); $grid.find('img').fadeIn(); if (!resized) { $('.photonic-loading').hide(); } }); }); }; photonicJustifiedGridLayout(false); photonicMasonryLayout(false); photonicMosaicLayout(false); $('.photonic-standard-layout .photonic-level-1, .photonic-standard-layout .photonic-level-2').css({'display': 'inline-block'}); if (!supportsSVG) { var icon = $('a.photonic-level-3-expand'); var bg = icon.css('background-image'); bg = bg.replace( 'svg', 'png' ); icon.css({'background-image': bg}); } $(window).on('resize', function() { photonicJustifiedGridLayout(true); photonicMasonryLayout(true); photonicMosaicLayout(true); }); }); /* FILE ARCHIVED ON 01:33:08 Jan 19, 2019 AND RETRIEVED FROM THE INTERNET ARCHIVE ON 06:52:31 Mar 24, 2020. 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_i < n : _i > n; y = 0 <= n ? ++_i : --_i) { _results.push((function() { var _j, _results1; _results1 = []; for (x = _j = 0; 0 <= k ? _j < k : _j > k; x = 0 <= k ? ++_j : --_j) { _results1.push(0); } return _results1; })()); } return _results; })(); solution = (function() { var _i, _ref, _results; _results = []; for (y = _i = 0, _ref = n - 1; 0 <= _ref ? _i < _ref : _i > _ref; y = 0 <= _ref ? ++_i : --_i) { _results.push((function() { var _j, _ref1, _results1; _results1 = []; for (x = _j = 0, _ref1 = k - 1; 0 <= _ref1 ? _j < _ref1 : _j > _ref1; x = 0 <= _ref1 ? ++_j : --_j) { _results1.push(0); } return _results1; })()); } return _results; })(); for (i = _i = 0; 0 <= n ? _i < n : _i > n; i = 0 <= n ? ++_i : --_i) { table[i][0] = seq[i] + (i ? table[i - 1][0] : 0); } for (j = _j = 0; 0 <= k ? _j < k : _j > k; j = 0 <= k ? ++_j : --_j) { table[0][j] = seq[0]; } for (i = _k = 1; 1 <= n ? _k < n : _k > n; i = 1 <= n ? ++_k : --_k) { for (j = _l = 1; 1 <= k ? _l < k : _l > k; j = 1 <= k ? ++_l : --_l) { m = photonicLinearMin((function() { var _m, _results; _results = []; for (x = _m = 0; 0 <= i ? _m < i : _m > i; x = 0 <= i ? ++_m : --_m) { _results.push([Math.max(table[x][j - 1], table[i][0] - table[x][0]), x]); } return _results; })()); table[i][j] = m[0]; solution[i - 1][j - 1] = m[1]; } } n = n - 1; k = k - 2; ans = []; while (k >= 0) { ans = [ (function() { var _m, _ref, _ref1, _results; _results = []; for (i = _m = _ref = solution[n - 1][k] + 1, _ref1 = n + 1; _ref <= _ref1 ? _m < _ref1 : _m > _ref1; i = _ref <= _ref1 ? ++_m : --_m) { _results.push(seq[i]); } return _results; })() ].concat(ans); n = solution[n - 1][k]; k = k - 1; } return [ (function() { var _m, _ref, _results; _results = []; for (i = _m = 0, _ref = n + 1; 0 <= _ref ? _m < _ref : _m > _ref; i = 0 <= _ref ? ++_m : --_m) { _results.push(seq[i]); } return _results; })() ].concat(ans); }; window.photonicPart = function(seq, k) { if (k <= 0) { return []; } while (k) { try { return photonicLinearPartition(seq, k--); } catch (_error) {} } }; window.photonicDisplayPopup = function(provider, type, args) { var identifier = args['panel_id'].substr(('photonic-' + provider + '-' + type + '-thumb-').length); var panel = '#photonic-' + provider + '-panel-' + identifier; if ($(panel).length == 0) { if ($('#' + args['panel_id']).hasClass('photonic-' + provider + '-passworded')) { $('#photonic-' + provider + '-' + type + '-prompter-' + identifier).dialog('open'); } else { photonicShowLoading(); photonicProcessRequest(provider, type, identifier, args); } } else { photonicShowLoading(); photonicRedisplayPopupContents(provider, identifier, panel, args); } }; window.photonicProcessRequest = function(provider, type, identifier, args) { args['action'] = 'photonic_display_level_2_contents'; $.post(Photonic_JS.ajaxurl, args, function(data) { if (data == Photonic_JS.password_failed) { $('.photonic-loading').hide(); $('#photonic-' + provider + '-prompter-' + identifier).dialog('open'); } else { if ('show' == args['popup']) { photonicDisplayPopupContent(data, provider, type, identifier); } else { if (data != '') { photonicBypassPopup(data); } else { $('.photonic-loading').hide(); } } } }); }; window.photonicProcessL3Request = function(clicked, container, args) { args['action'] = 'photonic_display_level_3_contents'; photonicShowLoading(); $.post(Photonic_JS.ajaxurl, args, function(data){ var insert = $(data); insert.insertAfter($(container)); var layout = insert.find('.photonic-level-2-container'); if (layout.hasClass('photonic-random-layout')) { photonicJustifiedGridLayout(false); } else if (layout.hasClass('photonic-mosaic-layout')) { photonicMosaicLayout(false); } else if (layout.hasClass('photonic-masonry-layout')) { photonicMasonryLayout(false); } insert.find('.photonic-level-2').css({'display': 'inline-block'}); $('.photonic-loading').hide(); clicked.removeClass('photonic-level-3-expand-plus').addClass('photonic-level-3-expand-up').attr('title', Photonic_JS.minimize_panel == undefined ? 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$('#imagelightbox-loading').remove(); $( '.imagelightbox-arrow' ).css( 'display', 'block' ); var lightbox = $('#imagelightbox'); var base = $(current).find('a[href="' + lightbox.attr('src') + '"]'); photonicSetHash(base); var shareable = { 'url': location.href, 'title': photonicHtmlDecode($(base).data('title')), 'image': lightbox.attr('src') }; photonicAddSocial('#imagelightbox-overlay', shareable); }, onStart: function() { $('
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'a[rel="' + rel + '"]' : 'this', counter: selfSelect == undefined || !selfSelect, pause: Photonic_JS.slideshow_interval, getCaptionFromTitleOrAlt: false }); $lightbox.on('onAfterSlide.lg', function(event, prevIndex, index) { var thumbs = $(this).find('a.launch-gallery-lightgallery'); photonicSetHash(thumbs[index]); var shareable = { 'url': location.href, 'title': photonicHtmlDecode($(thumbs[index]).data('title')), 'image': $(thumbs[index]).attr('href') }; photonicAddSocial('.lg-toolbar', shareable); }); $lightbox.on('onCloseAfter.lg', function() { photonicUnsetHash(); }); if (rel != '') { photonicLightboxList[rel] = $lightbox; } }); }; photonicInitializeLightgallery('.photonic-standard-layout,.photonic-masonry-layout,.photonic-mosaic-layout'); photonicInitializeLightgallery('a[rel="photonic-lightgallery"]', true); } $(document).on('click', '.photonic-flickr-set-thumb', function() { photonicDisplayPopup('flickr', 'set', {"panel_id": this.id, "popup": $(this).data('photonicPopup') }); return false; }); $(document).on('click', '.photonic-flickr-gallery-thumb', function() { photonicDisplayPopup('flickr', 'gallery', {"panel_id": this.id, "popup": $(this).data('photonicPopup') }); return false; }); $(document).on('click', '.photonic-picasa-album-thumb', function(e) { photonicDisplayPopup('picasa', 'album', {"panel_id": this.id, "popup": $(this).data('photonicPopup'), "thumb_size": $('#' + this.id).data('photonicThumbSize') }); return false; }); $(document).on('click', 'a.photonic-smug-album-thumb', function(e) { photonicDisplayPopup('smug', 'album', {"panel_id": this.id, "popup": $(this).data('photonicPopup') }); return false; }); $(document).on('click', 'a.photonic-500px-gallery-thumb', function(e) { photonicDisplayPopup('500px', 'gallery', {"panel_id": this.id, "popup": $(this).data('photonicPopup')}); return false; }); $(document).on('click', '.photonic-zenfolio-set-thumb', function(e) { photonicDisplayPopup('zenfolio', 'set', {"panel_id": this.id, "popup": $(this).data('photonicPopup'), "thumb_size": $('#' + this.id).data('photonicThumbSize')}); return false; }); $('.photonic-password-prompter').dialog({ autoOpen: false, modal: true, width: 400, height: 225, dialogClass: 'photonic-jq', closeText: '×' }); $('.photonic-password-submit a').on('click', function() { var album_id = $(this).parent().parent().attr('id'); var components = album_id.split('-'); var provider = components[1]; var singular_type = components[2]; var album_key = components.slice(4).join('-'); var password = $(this).parent().parent().find('input[name="photonic-' + provider + '-password"]'); password = password[0].value; var thumb_id = 'photonic-' + provider + '-' + singular_type + '-thumb-' + album_key; var thumb = $('#' + thumb_id); $('#photonic-' + provider + '-' + singular_type + '-prompter-' + album_key).dialog('close'); photonicShowLoading(); var args; if (provider == 'smug') { args = {'panel_id': thumb_id, 'password': password, "popup": thumb.data('photonicPopup')}; } else if (provider == 'zenfolio') { args = {'panel_id': thumb_id, 'thumb_size': thumb.data('photonicThumbSize'), 'password': password, 'realm_id': thumb.data('photonicRealm'), "popup": thumb.data('photonicPopup')}; } else if (provider == 'picasa') { args = $('#' + album_id).data('photonicPrompt') == 'password' ? {'panel_id': thumb_id, 'authkey': password, "popup": thumb.data('photonicPopup') } : {'panel_id': thumb_id, 'shortlink': password, "popup": thumb.data('photonicPopup') }; } photonicProcessRequest(provider, singular_type, album_key, args); return false; }); $('.photonic-flickr-stream a, a.photonic-flickr-set-thumb, a.photonic-flickr-gallery-thumb, .photonic-picasa-stream a, .photonic-500px-stream a, .photonic-smug-stream a, .photonic-instagram-stream a, .photonic-zenfolio-stream a, a.photonic-zenfolio-set-thumb').each(function() { if (!($(this).parent().hasClass('photonic-header-title'))) { var title = $(this).attr('title'); $(this).attr('title', photonicHtmlDecode(title)); } }); $('a.photonic-level-3-expand').on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var current = $(this); var header = current.parent().parent().parent(); if (current.hasClass('photonic-level-3-expand-plus')) { photonicProcessL3Request(current, header, {'view': 'collections', 'node': current.data('photonicLevel-3'), 'layout': current.data('photonicLayout')}); } else if (current.hasClass('photonic-level-3-expand-up')) { header.next('.photonic-stream').slideUp(); current.removeClass('photonic-level-3-expand-up').addClass('photonic-level-3-expand-down').attr('title', Photonic_JS.maximize_panel == undefined ? 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var clicked = $(this); var container = clicked.prev(); var query = container.data('photonicStreamQuery'); var provider = container.data('photonicStreamProvider'); photonicShowLoading(); $.post(Photonic_JS.ajaxurl, { 'action': 'photonic_load_more', 'provider': provider, 'query': query }, function(data) { var ret = $(data); var images = ret.find('.photonic-level-1'); var one_existing = container.find('a.photonic-launch-gallery')[0]; images.children().attr('rel', $(one_existing).attr('rel')); images.appendTo(container); var lightbox; if (Photonic_JS.slideshow_library == 'imagelightbox') { lightbox = photonicLightboxList['a[rel="' + $(one_existing).attr('rel') + '"]']; lightbox.addToImageLightbox(images.find('a')); } else if (Photonic_JS.slideshow_library == 'lightcase') { photonicInitializeLightcase('.photonic-standard-layout,.photonic-masonry-layout,.photonic-mosaic-layout'); } else if (Photonic_JS.slideshow_library == 'lightgallery') { photonicInitializeLightgallery(container); } else if (Photonic_JS.slideshow_library == 'strip') { images.children().attr('data-strip-group', $(one_existing).attr('rel')); } photonicJustifiedGridLayout(true); // true because we don't want to hide the spinner images.waitForImages(function() { var new_query = ret.find('.photonic-random-layout,.photonic-standard-layout,.photonic-masonry-layout,.photonic-mosaic-layout').data('photonicStreamQuery'); container.data('photonicStreamQuery', new_query); container.find('.photonic-level-1').css({'display': 'inline-block' }); // If this is a masonry layout in <= IE9, we need to trigger the Masonry function for appended images if (container.hasClass('photonic-masonry-layout') && isOldIE && $.isFunction($.fn.masonry)) { container.masonry('appended', images); } var more_button = ret.find('.photonic-more-button'); if (more_button.length == 0) { clicked.fadeOut().remove(); } if (container.hasClass('photonic-mosaic-layout')) { photonicMosaicLayout(true); } else if (container.hasClass('photonic-masonry-layout')) { images.find('img').fadeIn().css({ "display": "block" }); } $('.photonic-loading').hide(); }); }); }); /** * Displays all photos in a popup. Invoked when the popup data is being fetched for the first time for display in a popup. * Must be used by all providers for displaying photos in a popup. * * @param data The contents of the popup * @param provider The data provider: flickr | picasa | smug | zenfolio * @param popup The type of popup object: set | gallery | album * @param panelId The trailing section of the thumbnail's id */ window.photonicDisplayPopupContent = function(data, provider, popup, panelId) { var unsafePanelId = panelId, // KEEP THIS FOR AJAX RESPONSE SELECTOR safePanelId = panelId.replace('.', '\\.'); // FOR EXISTING ELEMENTS WHCICH NEED SANITIZED PANELID //panelId = panelId.replace('.', ''); // REMOVE '.' FROM PANELID WHENEVER POSSIBLE var div = $(data); var grid = div.find('.slideshow-grid-panel'); $(grid).waitForImages(function() { $(div).appendTo($('#photonic-' + provider + '-' + popup + '-' + safePanelId)).show(); div.photonicModal({ modalTarget: 'photonic-' + provider + '-panel-' + safePanelId, color: '#000', width: Photonic_JS.gallery_panel_width + '%', closeFromRight: ((100 - Photonic_JS.gallery_panel_width) / 2) + '%' }); if (Photonic_JS.slideshow_library == 'imagelightbox') { photonicInitializeImageLightbox('#' + div.attr('id')); } else if (Photonic_JS.slideshow_library == 'lightcase') { photonicInitializeLightcase('#' + div.attr('id')); } else if (Photonic_JS.slideshow_library == 'lightgallery') { photonicInitializeLightgallery('#' + div.attr('id')); } $('.photonic-loading').hide(); }); /* if (deep != '') { var deepThumbs = div.find('[data-photonic-deep="'+ deep.substr(1) + '"]'); if (deepThumbs.length > 0) { // deepThumbs[0].click(); // Triggering a click is opening the image in a different window :-( } } */ }; window.photonicRedisplayPopupContents = function(provider, panelId, panel, args) { if ('show' == args['popup']) { $('.photonic-loading').hide(); $(panel).photonicModal({ modalTarget: 'photonic-' + provider + '-panel-' + panelId, color: '#000', width: Photonic_JS.gallery_panel_width + '%', closeFromRight: ((100 - Photonic_JS.gallery_panel_width) / 2) + '%' }); } else { photonicBypassPopup($(panel)); } }; window.photonicPPSwipe = function() { $('.pp_hoverContainer').remove(); $("#pp_full_res") .on('swipeleft', function() { $.prettyPhoto.changePage('next'); }) .on('swiperight', function() { $.prettyPhoto.changePage('previous'); }); }; window.photonicBypassPopup = function(data) { $('.photonic-loading').hide(); var panel = $(data); panel.hide().appendTo($('body')); if (Photonic_JS.slideshow_library == 'imagelightbox') { photonicInitializeImageLightbox('#' + panel.attr('id')); } else if (Photonic_JS.slideshow_library == 'lightcase') { photonicInitializeLightcase('#' + panel.attr('id')); } else if (Photonic_JS.slideshow_library == 'lightgallery') { photonicInitializeLightgallery('#' + panel.attr('id')); } var thumbs = $(panel).find('.photonic-launch-gallery'); if (thumbs.length > 0) { deep = '#' + $(thumbs[0]).data('photonicDeep'); $(thumbs[0]).click(); } }; window.photonicJustifiedGridLayout = function(resized, selector) { if (selector == null || selector == undefined) { selector = '.photonic-random-layout'; } if (!resized && $(selector).length > 0) { photonicShowLoading(); } $(selector).each(function(idx, obj) { var viewportWidth = Math.floor($(this)[0].getBoundingClientRect().width); var idealHeight = Math.max(parseInt(window.innerHeight / 4), Photonic_JS.tile_min_height); var gap = Photonic_JS.tile_spacing * 2; $(this).waitForImages(function() { var container = this; var photos = []; var images = $(container).find('img'); $(images).each(function() { if ($(this).parents('.photonic-panel').length > 0) { return; } var image = $(this)[0]; var a = $(this.parentNode); var a_clone = a.clone(true);// Clone doesn't get the "data" if the parameter is unspecified or false var a_title = a_clone.data('title'); a_clone.empty(); var title_info = a.children('.photonic-title-info'); var div = a.parent(); var siblings = div.children('div'); if (!(image.naturalHeight == 0 || image.naturalHeight == undefined || image.naturalWidth == undefined)) { photos.push({src: image.src, aspect_ratio: (image.naturalWidth) / (image.naturalHeight), anchor: a_clone[0].outerHTML, a_title: a_title == undefined ? a_clone.attr('title') : a_title, div_id: div.attr('id'), siblings: siblings, title_info: title_info}); } }); var summedWidth = photos.reduce((function(sum, p) { return sum += p.aspect_ratio * idealHeight + gap; }), 0); var rows = Math.max(Math.round(summedWidth / viewportWidth), 1); // At least 1 row should be shown var weights = photos.map(function(p) { return Math.round(p.aspect_ratio * 100); }); var partition = photonicPart(weights, rows); var index = 0; $(container).empty(); $(partition).each(function() { var summedRatios; var rowBuffer = []; $(this).each(function() { rowBuffer.push(photos[index]); index++; }); summedRatios = rowBuffer.reduce((function(sum, p) { return sum += p.aspect_ratio; }), 0); $(rowBuffer).each(function() { var elem = document.createElement("div"); elem.style.width = parseInt(viewportWidth / summedRatios * this.aspect_ratio)+"px"; elem.style.height = parseInt(viewportWidth / summedRatios)+"px"; elem.setAttribute("class", "photonic-tiled-photo"); if (this.div_id != undefined) { elem.id = this.div_id; } var anchor = $(this.anchor); anchor.attr('title', photonicHtmlDecode(this.a_title)); anchor.data('title', this.a_title); $(elem).append(anchor); var img = document.createElement('img'); img.setAttribute('src', this.src); img.setAttribute('alt', this.alt); $(anchor).append(img); $(anchor).append(this.title_info); // Re-add panels that may have been created earlier, to avoid reloading them. $(elem).append(this.siblings); $(container).append(elem); }); }); if (!resized) { $('.photonic-loading').hide(); } if (Photonic_JS.slideshow_library == 'lightcase') { photonicInitializeLightcase('.photonic-random-layout'); } else if (Photonic_JS.slideshow_library == 'lightgallery') { photonicInitializeLightgallery(container); } }); }); }; window.photonicMasonryLayout = function(resized, selector) { if (isOldIE) return; if (selector == null || selector == undefined) { selector = '.photonic-masonry-layout'; } if (!resized && $(selector).length > 0) { photonicShowLoading(); } var minWidth = (isNaN(Photonic_JS.masonry_min_width) || parseInt(Photonic_JS.masonry_min_width) <= 0) ? 200 : Photonic_JS.masonry_min_width; minWidth = parseInt(minWidth); $(selector).each(function(idx, grid) { var $grid = $(grid); $grid.waitForImages(function() { var columns = $grid.attr('data-photonic-gallery-columns'); columns = (isNaN(parseInt(columns)) || parseInt(columns) <= 0) ? 3 : parseInt(columns); var viewportWidth = Math.floor($grid[0].getBoundingClientRect().width); var idealColumns = (viewportWidth / columns) > minWidth ? columns : Math.floor(viewportWidth / minWidth); $grid.css('column-count', idealColumns); $grid.find('img').fadeIn().css({"display": "block" }); if (!resized) { $('.photonic-loading').hide(); } }); }); }; window.photonicMosaicLayout = function(resized, selector) { if (selector == null || selector == undefined) { selector = '.photonic-mosaic-layout'; } if (!resized && $(selector).length > 0) { photonicShowLoading(); } function getDistribution(setSize, max, min) { var distribution = []; var processed = 0; while (processed < setSize) { if (setSize - processed <= 3 && processed > 0) { distribution.push(setSize - processed); processed += setSize - processed; } else { var current = Math.max(Math.floor(Math.random() * max + 1), min); current = Math.min(current, setSize - processed); distribution.push(current); processed += current; } } return distribution; } function arrayAlternate(array, remainder) { return array.filter(function(value, index) { return index % 2 == remainder; }); } function setUniformHeightsForRow(array) { // First, order the array by increasing height array.sort(function(a, b) { return a.height - b.height; }); array[0].new_height = array[0].height; array[0].new_width = array[0].width; for (var i = 1; i < array.length; i++) { array[i].new_height = array[0].height; array[i].new_width = array[i].new_height * array[i].aspect_ratio; } var new_width = array.reduce(function(sum, p) { return sum += p.new_width ; }, 0); return { elements: array, height: array[0].new_height, width: new_width, aspect_ratio: new_width / array[0].new_height }; } function finalizeTiledLayout(components, containers) { $(components).each(function(c, component) { var rowY = component.y; var otherRowHeight = 0; $(component.elements).each(function(e, element) { if (element.photo_position != undefined) { // Component is a single image var container = containers[element.photo_position]; container.css('width', (component.new_width)); container.css('height', (component.new_height)); container.css('top', (component.y)); container.css('left', (component.x)); } else { // Component is a clique (element is a row). Widths and Heights of cliques have been calculated. But the rows in cliques need to be recalculated element.new_width = component.new_width; if (otherRowHeight === 0) { element.new_height = element.new_width / element.aspect_ratio; otherRowHeight = element.new_height; } else { element.new_height = component.new_height - otherRowHeight; } element.x = component.x; element.y = rowY; rowY += element.new_height; var totalWidth = element.elements.reduce(function(sum, p) { return sum += p.new_width ; }, 0); var rowX = 0; $(element.elements).each(function(i, image) { image.new_width = element.new_width * image.new_width / totalWidth; image.new_height = element.new_height; //image.new_width / image.aspect_ratio; image.x = rowX; rowX += image.new_width; var container = containers[image.photo_position]; container.css('width', Math.floor(image.new_width)); container.css('height', Math.floor(image.new_height)); container.css('top', Math.floor(element.y)); container.css('left', Math.floor(element.x + image.x)); }); } }); }); } $(selector).each(function(idx, grid) { var $grid = $(grid); $grid.waitForImages(function() { var viewportWidth = Math.floor($grid[0].getBoundingClientRect().width); var triggerWidth = (isNaN(Photonic_JS.mosaic_trigger_width) || parseInt(Photonic_JS.mosaic_trigger_width) <= 0) ? 200 : parseInt(Photonic_JS.mosaic_trigger_width); var maxInRow = Math.floor(viewportWidth / triggerWidth); var minInRow = viewportWidth >= (triggerWidth * 2) ? 2 : 1; var photos = []; var divs = $grid.children(); var setSize = divs.length; if (setSize === 0) { return; } var containers = []; var images = $grid.find('img'); $(images).each(function(imgIdx) { if ($(this).parents('.photonic-panel').length > 0) { return; } var image = $(this)[0]; var a = $(this.parentNode); var div = a.parent(); div.attr('data-photonic-photo-index', imgIdx); containers[imgIdx] = div; if (!(image.naturalHeight == 0 || image.naturalHeight == undefined || image.naturalWidth == undefined)) { var aspectRatio = (image.naturalWidth) / (image.naturalHeight); photos.push({src: image.src, width: image.naturalWidth, height: image.naturalHeight, aspect_ratio: aspectRatio, photo_position: imgIdx}); } }); setSize = photos.length; var distribution = getDistribution(setSize, maxInRow, minInRow); // We got our random distribution. Let's divide the photos up according to the distribution. var groups = [], startIdx = 0; $(distribution).each(function(i, size) { groups.push(photos.slice(startIdx, startIdx + size)); startIdx += size; }); var groupY = 0; // We now have our groups of photos. We need to find the optimal layout for each group. $(groups).each(function(g, group) { // First, order the group by aspect ratio group.sort(function(a, b) { return a.aspect_ratio - b.aspect_ratio; }); // Next, pick a random layout var groupLayout; if (group.length == 1) { groupLayout = [1]; } else if (group.length == 2) { groupLayout = [1,1]; } /* else if (group.length == 3) { groupLayout = [1,1,1]; } */ else { groupLayout = getDistribution(group.length, group.length - 1, 1); } // Now, LAYOUT, BABY!!! var cliqueF = 0, cliqueL = group.length - 1; var cliques = [], indices = []; for (var i = 2; i <= maxInRow; i++) { var index = $.inArray(i, groupLayout); while (-1 < index && cliqueF < cliqueL) { // Ideal Layout: one landscape, one portrait. But we will take any 2 with contrasting aspect ratios var clique = []; var j = 0; while (j < i && cliqueF <= cliqueL) { clique.push(group[cliqueF++]); // One with a low aspect ratio j++; if (j < i && cliqueF <= cliqueL) { clique.push(group[cliqueL--]); // One with a high aspect ratio j++; } } // Clique is formed. Add it to the list of cliques. cliques.push(clique); indices.push(index); // Keep track of the position of the clique in the row index = $.inArray(i, groupLayout, index + 1); } } // The ones that are not in any clique (i.e. the ones in the middle) will be given their own columns in the row. var remainder = group.slice(cliqueF, cliqueL + 1); // Now let's layout the cliques individually. Each clique is its own column. var rowLayout = []; $(cliques).each(function(c, clique) { var toss = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2); // 0 --> Groups of smallest and largest, or 1 --> Alternating var oneRow, otherRow; if (toss === 0) { // Group the ones with the lowest aspect ratio together, and the ones with the highest aspect ratio together. // Lay one group at the top and the other at the bottom var wide = Math.max(Math.floor(Math.random() * (clique.length / 2 - 1)), 1); oneRow = clique.slice(0, wide); otherRow = clique.slice(wide); } else { // Group alternates together. // Lay one group at the top and the other at the bottom oneRow = arrayAlternate(clique, 0); otherRow = arrayAlternate(clique, 1); } // Make heights consistent within rows: oneRow = setUniformHeightsForRow(oneRow); otherRow = setUniformHeightsForRow(otherRow); // Now make widths consistent oneRow.new_width = Math.min(oneRow.width, otherRow.width); oneRow.new_height = oneRow.new_width / oneRow.aspect_ratio; otherRow.new_width = oneRow.new_width; otherRow.new_height = otherRow.new_width / otherRow.aspect_ratio; rowLayout.push({elements: [oneRow, otherRow], height: oneRow.new_height + otherRow.new_height, width: oneRow.new_width, aspect_ratio: oneRow.new_width / (oneRow.new_height + otherRow.new_height), element_position: indices[c]}); }); rowLayout.sort(function(a, b) { return a.element_position - b.element_position; }); var orderedRowLayout = []; for (var position = 0; position < groupLayout.length; position++) { var cliqueExists = $.inArray(position, indices) > -1; if (cliqueExists) { orderedRowLayout.push(rowLayout.shift()); } else { var rem = remainder.shift(); orderedRowLayout.push({ elements: [rem], height: rem.height, width: rem.width, aspect_ratio: rem.aspect_ratio }); } } // Main Row layout is fully constructed and ordered. Now we need to balance heights and widths of all cliques with the "remainder" var totalAspect = orderedRowLayout.reduce(function(sum, p) { return sum += p.aspect_ratio ; }, 0); var elementX = 0; $(orderedRowLayout).each(function(c, component) { component.new_width = component.aspect_ratio / totalAspect * viewportWidth; component.new_height = component.new_width / component.aspect_ratio; component.y = groupY; component.x = elementX; elementX += component.new_width; }); groupY += orderedRowLayout[0].new_height; finalizeTiledLayout(orderedRowLayout, containers); }); $grid.css('height', groupY); $grid.find('img').fadeIn(); if (!resized) { $('.photonic-loading').hide(); } }); }); }; photonicJustifiedGridLayout(false); photonicMasonryLayout(false); photonicMosaicLayout(false); $('.photonic-standard-layout .photonic-level-1, .photonic-standard-layout .photonic-level-2').css({'display': 'inline-block'}); if (!supportsSVG) { var icon = $('a.photonic-level-3-expand'); var bg = icon.css('background-image'); bg = bg.replace( 'svg', 'png' ); icon.css({'background-image': bg}); } $(window).on('resize', function() { photonicJustifiedGridLayout(true); photonicMasonryLayout(true); photonicMosaicLayout(true); }); }); /* FILE ARCHIVED ON 01:33:08 Jan 19, 2019 AND RETRIEVED FROM THE INTERNET ARCHIVE ON 06:52:31 Mar 24, 2020. JAVASCRIPT APPENDED BY WAYBACK MACHINE, COPYRIGHT INTERNET ARCHIVE. ALL OTHER CONTENT MAY ALSO BE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT (17 U.S.C. SECTION 108(a)(3)). */ /* playback timings (ms): captures_list: 250.766 exclusion.robots: 0.325 esindex: 0.023 exclusion.robots.policy: 0.312 load_resource: 301.383 RedisCDXSource: 6.264 PetaboxLoader3.resolve: 325.793 (2) PetaboxLoader3.datanode: 197.328 (4) CDXLines.iter: 14.307 (3) LoadShardBlock: 225.988 (3) */