Voice of the Student

In 2007, AAF, in partnership with Target, planned and executed Redesign Your School: A Contest of Scholarly Proportion. Open to 9th through 12th grade students in U.S. high schools, this national contest asked students to submit their visions of ideal places to learn in the 21st century. From over 250 submissions, eight winners received $45,000 in scholarships and presented their design concepts at a ceremony in Washington, D.C.

When AAF and Target reviewed the contest essays, it was apparent that a unique resource had been created. In their own voices students expressed what they wanted in the school built environment. They spoke like true designers, able to articulate the cause and effect between their environment and their learning—and the cause and effect between their environment and their experience of school.

The decision to analyze the contest entries came with the realization that here was an opportunity to uncover the critical issues revealed by the most under-represented voice in school design—the student. On behalf of AAF, OWP/P conducted a comprehensive analysis and presented the results on November 13, 2008 at an AAF-hosted event. Download the virtual presentation below.

With these findings AAF gives students a virtual voice at the design table. We call on you—school districts, educators, policy makers, architects—not only to listen, but to act on what the students have to say. We believe deeper and better learning will take place as a result.


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Posted in: Great Schools by Design, Print, School Design
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